Bandi vinti and contributions received

ANNO 2020

Lisa TIbaldi Terra Mia wins the Bando of the Lazio Region "Imtaken makes culture" with the Privernum Collection project-Intrecci of History

Ban : "Enterprise makes culture-POR ERDF Lazio 2014-2020 action 3.3.1. b" Integrated project for the valorization of specific tematisms.
Promoter : Region Lazio
Project : Privernum Collection Intrecci of History realization with the brand "Privernum collection" of a line of fashion accessories and home design of high crafts inspired by the heritage of the Museums of Priverno with an innovative form of communication and a multimedia exhibition dedicated to the connubio between ancient and contemporaneity in an emotional and sensory journey.
Investment admitted : € 156,050.04 Contribution Admitted € 124,840.03

LoghiOfficali Region Lazio European Union ERDF

Project Cofinanced by the European Union


Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia wins the voucher project Chebec by Region Lazio Lazio Innova

Ban : "Project Interreg Med Chebec-Phase 4 Innovation Vouchers
Promoter : Region Lazio-Lazio Innova
Project : Lisa Tibaldi Terra Miastart-up contacts for internationalization Mediterranean basin with processing and realisation paper brochure multimedia, packaging and gadget
Voucher : € 2,500.00

Logos Official Region Lazio Lazio Innova Interreg Med Chebec


Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia wins the Bando Export Now Latina! of the Ice Agency

Ban : "Export Now Latina!
Promoter : ITA Ice Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalisation of Italian companies
Project : Personalized assistance21 hours with Expert internationalization
Figurative contribution € 3,381.84

Italy Trade Agency-ICE official logo


Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia won the Voucher for the Internationalization 2019 of the Lazio Region-Lazio Innova
Ban : "Voucher Internationalization" Contributions for the support of the processes of internationalization of SMEs in Lazio
Promoter : Region Lazio-Lazio Innova
Project : Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia Internationalstarter processes of internationalization
Investment admitted : € 34,020.00 Contribution Admitted € 20,412.00

Region Lazio Lazio Innova official Logo


Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia voucher PCTO year 2019 CCIAA of Latina projects with students

Ban : "Paths for Cross-sectional Competences and for Orientation 2019
Promoter : CCIAA of Latina
Projects :    Touche de Class
                   with I.T.C. "V. Veneto Salvemini" of Latina address Moda
                   Privernum Collection
with I.S.I.S.S. "Teodosius Rossi" by Priverno address artistic high school
                  Communicating Privernum Collection
                   with I.S.I.S.S. "Teodosius Rossi" by Priverno address language high school
                  The Colors of our Nature
                    with I.S.I.S.S. "Teodosius Rossi" by Priverno IPA address
                   Colored by our Nature Communication
                    with I.S.I.S.S. "Teodosius Rossi" by Priverno high school addresslanguage                   
Voucher disbursed € 14.000,00

CCIAA of Latina official logo


ANNO 2019

Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia alternates school work year 2018 voucher of CCIAA Latina
Ban : "Alternating school-work 2018
Promoter : CCIAA of Latina
Projects :     #AmolamiaTerra with I.I.S. "Guglielmo Marconi" of Latina address ITE
                   Terra Mia Capsule Collection with I.T.C. "V. Veneto Salvemini" by
Latin Address Moda
                   Start Up Lisa Terra Mia
with I.S.I.S.S. "Teodosius Rossi" by Priverno address artistic high school
                  Traditional Costume capsules
                    with I.S.I.S.S. "Teodosius Rossi" by Priverno address artistic high school
                   Lisa Tibaldi Atelier social
with I.I.S. "Fermi-Filangeri" by Formia graphic address and advertising
Voucher disbursed € 11.500,00

CCIAA of Latina Official logo


Lis Tibaldi Grassi withdraws the prize Fund of Creativity for the victory of the Bando 2018 start up creative and cultural start up for Lisa TIbaldi Terra Mia

Ban : "Fund of Creativity 2018" -Start up cultural and creative ups
Promoter : Region Lazio-Lazio Innova
Project : Lisa Tibaldi Terra Miastart-up business activity
Investment admitted : € 36,716.39 Contribution Admitted € 29,373.11
region Lazio and Lazio Innova Official Logo