Green holidays 2020: rediscovering the Lazio Parks, between green mood and environmental protection

This year summer holidays in Italy, also given the Covid emergency still dangerously active everywhere.
So off to outdoor activities - which we missed so much during the lockdown - to rediscover the natural beauty of our peninsula.
In our Region LazioThere are many proposals for a "green" summer, in close contact with nature, to rediscover our Natural Parks, which stand out between the sea and the mountains, regulating breathtaking views and itineraries for all tastes, in family size.
Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia Blog Lazio Region Live the Parks 2020
Let's talk about the Natural Park of the Aurunci Mountains he was born in Park Riviera of Ulysses, two realities of the southern Pontine, of rare beauty, the first in the area of ​​the Aurunci Mountains, the second that stands out in the Gulf of Gaeta.
Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia Blog Summer 2020 Parco dei Monti Aurunci Lazio
Two perfect ecosystems where flora and fauna are the undisputed masters, where you can find the real Mediterranean scrub and animal species at risk of extinction, such as the peregrine falcon and visit archaeological sites dating back to the glories of the ancient Roman era.
Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia Blog Summer 2020 Riviera di Ulisse Park
The initiative #ViviParchideLazio offers a range of initiatives, routes, and events in all the Parks of the Region, including nature, food and wine and culture.
"A way to rediscover proximity tourism, in nature and respecting it" declared the Regional Councilor for the environment Enrica Onorati"An interesting tourist offer so that the Park can be welcoming, but always with due attention to the protection of the ecosystem" added the President Carmela Cassetta, during one of the events held a few days ago in the Riviera di Ulisse Park.
Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia Blog Summer 2020 in the Parks of Lazio. The Regional Councilor for the Environment Enrica Onorati and the President of the Riviera di Ulisse Park Carmela Cassetta during one of the events Live the parks of Lazio wearing a #AmolamiaTerra mask, reward of the crowdfunding campaign by Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia and WWF Lazio coast
A necessary reconciliation with our ecosystem, too often at the mercy of the distraction and carelessness of the human being. Holidays and visits in the green with particular attention to the protection and safeguard of the environment, so at risk, especially in the summer. The usual news of fires affecting the Peninsula, and alas our Region, are of the last few days !!!
Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia Blog News summer 2020 between Nature and fire prevention
Precisely to prevent what now seems a recurring phenomenon every summer, and to safeguard the woodland heritageLisa Tibaldi Terra Miahas decided to launch the Crowdfunding Campaign #AmolamiaTerra, in collaboration with the WWF Lazio Coast, for the prevention of fires and the protection of the forest heritage, in support of the activities of the two Parks.
Our ecosystem depends on man and his actions,

We such as People we want to do something, because


are not just words....









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