The great confusion of surgical masks

With the new Prime Ministerial Decree issued by the Government on April 26, it is necessary to use masks in closed places accessible to the public.
But which masks to use? We are talking about disposable surgical masks, to be put on the market at the imposed price of 0.50 cents, exempt from VAT (referred to in Article 15, paragraph 2 of the Legislative Decree 17/03/2020).
Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia blog news surgical reconversion masks

The statements by President Conte have created no small amount of confusion and uncertainty. In the previous months, the Government had expressly asked the Italian manufacturing and its entire supply chain to make an effort to reconvert production in order to ensure coverage of the need for masks, medical aids and other necessary items for which we have always been, as a country, dependent on third States. Many companies have responded to the call, converting production, investing in materials, tests, certifications and much more.

We want to be optimistic by hoping for a clarification and a more specific definition of what is stated by President Conte.

Lisa Tibaldi Terra Miahas joined the initiative"The Fashion Supply Chain for Italy Covid 19 Emergency"promoted by CNA Federmoda, Confindustria, Asbestos counter and other partners to set up a supply chain in order to create masks to support the shortage on the national territory.

The masks produced by Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia are:

 3-layer filter masks, in non-woven fabric (TNT), surgical type, reusable, for use by the community, produced for the purposes mentioned in Article 16, paragraph 2, Legislative Decree 18 March 17, 2020, and in accordance with the indications of Circular of the Ministry of Health 0003573-P-18/03/2020 and following the technical indications of the standard UNI EN 14683

The production cycle of the mask, which can be sanitized (i.e. reusable after prolonged exposure to the sun or with a 70% hydroalcoholic solution), is carried out following the National protocol indicated by Politecnico di Milano with a note dated 22 March 2020

Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia Blog News Masks what a confusion reconversion

The fabrics used are strictly Made in Italy and certified.

The shape of the SURGICAL mask is such that it can cover the mouth and nose and must guarantee a minimum of "structure" to it (also given by the presence of a fold) that avoids excessive adhesion to the face during inhalation. The mask has a rectangular shape and has folds on the short side. The folds must be oriented downwards to avoid the accumulation of dust or droplets in the valleys of the same. The mask also has a nose piece at the top; it is then equipped with biomedical-type elastics without any finishing. The mask measures approximately 18cm wide and 10cm high with the three folds closed. The mask is sewn by skilled artisan hands in Italy.

 These are the characteristics of the mask produced by Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia, a product that is impossible to sell for € 0.50 because



Lisa Tibaldi Terra Mia Blog News the masks that confusion Made in Italy reconversion







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